Day 2006

From these pictures, there is more being said than what meets the eye. What you might see is a couple that is overjoyed to celebrate another major milestone… Day 2006 post-transplant! Yes, we are incredibly grateful to celebrate this day. Another day together. We know how fragile life is and we hold each other a little tighter because of this reality. You might see that my heart beats wild for this man. Or that we sit a little taller because we know the love that continues to surround us. We know the blessings that encompass us and it nearly takes our breath away.

But what you may not see behind the smiles we wear is the depth of sorrow we feel. This journey and the path that has lead us to this very day has been amazing, but also amazingly difficult. This week we faced yet another loss. The journey to parenthood has taught us lessons we have never wanted to learn and has revealed more about ourselves than we thought possible. Another miscarriage, another heartache, another reminder that grief doesn’t hide. Surgeries, procedures, exams, appointments have caused our souls to be weary, broken, and drained. We don’t understand why our journey continues to be difficult. But we press on believing there is purpose behind all our pain. We have been challenged to lay down our dreams and the desires of our hearts to the One who knows our future. This is no easy task. More continues to be widdled off of our weary souls, but in this painful process, we are being refined and made stronger together.


4 Comments on “Day 2006”

  1. It is hard to be strong when your hearts are breaking…let go and lean on our Lord. He will carry you through.

  2. Shauna, your faith and trust in Him during the defining truly brings Glory and Honor to His name. I pray you feel Him holding you. Listen to Lauren Daigles song about How He Holds Us. You continue to inspire others.

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